Computer Gaming

- My Dream Job - Game Designer -

Games Designers can decide what a game will consists of and how it is played and are usually the people who come up with the idea in the first place. Game design is a difficult job requiring a combination of different skills - design, management, scheduling, research etc. They plan and define all the elements and components of a game: its setting: structure: rules: story flow: characters: the objects, props, vehicles, and devices available to the characters: interface design: and modes of play.
Games are usually large projects, so the design process is often shared between a number of different people who each take responsibility for a section of the game, or 'level'. Level Design includes the mapping, detailed layout and building of the environment in which the level is played, as well as interactive placement of objects and assets within that environment. Most modern games are based on 3D computer graphics and Level Designers use 3D modeling or world editing tools in order to create and edit the levels.
For very large projects, there may be more than one Game Designer on the team, each one taking responsibility for a group of levels and collaborating on the overall design of the game. In such situations, a Lead Designer or Creative Director takes overall responsibility.
Job titles in this area might include:
Lead Designer
Games Designer
Script Writer
Map Builder
Level Editor
Object Planner
GUI Designer
Storyboard Artist
Graphic Designer

- What is the Job? -

Game designers formulate the concept and vision for a game. They devise the world, setting, story, characters, and all other game elements and design details, and then communicate this to the rest of the development team who create the art assets and computer code which allow the game to be played.
It is the Game Designer's responsibility to ensure that the whole team understands and shares the original concept and vision of the game.
During development, the Game Designer makes adjustments to the original specification to respond to technical constraints which have been identified and to incorporate new programming and art creation methods developed by the team.
The Game Designer also trains testers to play the game, making sure that they understand what is expected of the finished product.
The design process goes through various stages. After a period of initial research, the Game Designer puts together the Concept Document, or Initial Design Treatment. This is a "selling" document, used to convince other members of the team that the game is worth taking forward.
The next phase might require the development of a proof of concept or playable prototype. A small team of artists and programmers work with the Game Designer to build the prototype, while at the same time, the Game Designer puts together the Full Game Design Document.

- Qualifications and requirements -

There are no specific entry requirements for Game Design roles, but most new entrants to the industry are graduates.
Degree subjects range right across the board, and include the sciences and humanities, as well as art and design. There are also a growing number of games related higher education courses, some of which have established links with local industry and include arrangements for work placements.
Prospective Game Designers should check the content of courses, particularly the balance between programming, game art and game design. Designers need basic programming and 3D design skills, preferably some drawing ability, but perhaps above all excellent communication and presentation skills.

- What are Computer Games? -

Computer Games are electronic games, which you can interact and play with using a platform. Platforms range from personal computers, game consoles, large mainframe computers to small hand held devices, which all can be used to play games.
To manipulate computer games you use a game controller, which varies with each platform. Each controller has a variation of buttons and joysticks, but some platforms might need you to use a keyboard or a mouse.
Some computer games use audio devices, such as speakers or headphones as a way to provide interaction and information to you. Vibrators through the controller is another way that some games use to give you feedback.

 - What I look for within a game -

Before I go out buying a game I look into it using either the internet or friends to see whether I should spend my money on it or not. I look to see if the game has achieved these priorities (below) so that I can make my decision, but the majority of my priorities have to be better than just good.
Story Line
Music / Soundtrack

- How can Computer Games become addictive?

The excitement of playing computer games can make gamers addicted to them. Games are getting more compelling with increasing complexity, so that gamers becomes more facile and wants to know more and apply new skills.

- How have Computer Games changed over the years? -

Computer games started off simple, bland and 2d, but most of them are still being played and haven't lost the fun factor. However, over the years computer games have become more realistic, creative, enjoyable and 3d. Computer games have also got better story lines and graphics, which exceed the old games like Mario, Donkey Kong and Pong. Since the heavy, bulky, grey box called the Nintendo came out there have been a great build up of platforms, such as the XBOX 360, Playstation 3 and the Nintendo DS.